Monday, November 26, 2012

Letter of Intent: THL Donal Oneal and Lady Milicent Shiveley

Unto the Their Royal Majesties Vladimir and Kalisa, Their Excellencies of Nottinghill Coill, Geldamar and Etain, SC/GA Regional Seneshal Baroness Bessenyei Rozsa, and the populous of our fair Barony, do we, THL Donal Oneal and Lady Milicent Shiveley send greetings.

Please know that it is our desire to be included in the polling for the next Baron and Baroness of Nottinghill Coill. In our years in this wonderful Barony, we have served as officers, event stewards, feast stewards, and have lead many workshops in the field of Arts and Sciences. We have formed many long lasting and valued friendships and learned more than we could have ever  imagined in the process.

Our goals are simple. We will act as an advocate for the populace by supporting and encouraging the growth of the martial arts, the A&S community and the guilds they have established including increasing the archery presence in our fair Barony. We would seek to increase teaching and learning activities at events and through workshops and collegiums throughout the Barony. We work well together, giving each other support and we believe the strength that we share will help Nottinghill Coill and it's Cantons continue on a positive path of growth.

Should we be chosen, we would happily put aside all personal pursuits in order to properly serve the Barony while promoting all activities and events and the great and varied skills of the populace in all areas. We would consider it a great honor and privilege to serve the populace of Nottinghill Coill, the fair Kingdom of Atlantia and the Society.

THL Donal Oneal
MKA: Donny O'Neal DRO322 {AT}

Lady Milicent Shiveley
MKA: Robin O'Neal Hagatha819 {AT}

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