Monday, August 29, 2011

The Raptor’s Tale, Part 9: by Cap'n Jack Black of Flint

“Report, Mr. Thomas,” BlackJack spoke quietly as he came onto the quarterdeck.  “All are aboard and accounted for at this time, anchor will be up shortly.  Course has yet to be determined, we wanted to see what you knew.”  The two men walked towards the covered chart table, and began pulling out charts.  After silently going through them for a few moments, BlackJack spoke.

“Mr. Hale, how well do you know the islands off the coast of Sierra Leone?  I know that the English are using the port there to ship slaves like everyone else, but mayhaps we can find a place to set up an ambush?” 

Mr. Hale turned the wheel to his student and walked over, along with the main helmsman, Mr. Bradley.  Both looked at the maps, and Hale shook his head.  “I’m sorry, Cap’n, but I’ve not been there as of yet, I’m no help to ye.”  He quietly returned to his post behind the wheel. 

Mr. Bradley then pulled out another chart, and pointed at a spot on the map.  “Here ye be, Cap’n.  Bunch of little islands almost due east of us now, mostly run by natives.  They fought the Portugese off back in the thirties, I want to say.  Noone really goes there now because of it.  I’ve been through there a couple of times with other captains who didn’t listen to me much, barely got out a couple times.  Fools thought they could handle a ship, and kept grounding us.  We’re shallower than Drake, from what you said, so even if he does try to follow us, we can get a few places there he can’t.” 

BlackJack slapped Mr. Bradley on the back, and laughed heartily.  “Then it’s a good thing for us that I trust you, and those other fools didn’t!  Set your course, and let me know when you are happy with our location.”  Turning to Mr. Thomas, BlackJack spoke again.  “Once Mr. Bradley says we’re steady enough on our course, summon the crew.  We’ve a Judas on board.  We know who he is, and Aerak is confirming what we could get from him, but I’m going to let the crew determine his final fate.  I’m going down to check on the gunner who was attacked, then will be back to address the crew.”  Mr. Thomas nodded, as BlackJack turned to go below. 

Approaching Melina’s surgery, he could hear voices talking quietly.  Entering, he found Mr. Golden, the Gunner’s Mate, talking to Melina and the wounded man.  The patient was sitting up in a hammock, with one hand over the bandage on his belly.  BlackJack smiled as he approached. “Glad to see you awake and talkin, lad!  How do you feel?”  He sat down on a crate next to the wounded man. 

Nervously, the man spoke.  “Well, Captain, I feel like shite, to be honest.  I got jumped, and the next thing I knew, I was on a table, listening to the lady here yelling at someone.  Then I woke up again here.” 

BlackJack looked embarrassed, and continued. “Yes well, you got lucky that Melina is probably one of the best, despite being a woman.”  He ducked, laughing, as she threw a dirty rag at him.  “Seriously, though, lad.  I appreciate you trying to stop the fools, but next time, get some help.  You are part of a team for a reason.  Teams live longer.  I know Mr. Golden here is ready for you to get healthy enough to work again, but you stay here until Melina says you are fit for duty, a’right?”  The man nodded as BlackJack stood.  “Now, if you will all excuse me, I have to address the crew about the Judas, and have him taken care of.”  He turned and walked out. 

Arriving back on the quarterdeck, BlackJack nodded to Mr. Thomas, who spoke.  “Mr. Bradley assures me that we are steady on course for a bit, and should be able to pull a majority of the crew to where you can address them.  Are you ready, Captain?"

Shaking his head, BlackJack replied, “Not really, this is not something I want to do, but it’s the price of being a leader of men, I suppose.  Let’s get this over with.  Advise all the officers to keep a weather eye out for trouble as I speak, so’s we can stop it immediately.”  Mr. Thomas nodded and walked off to give the orders. 

After a few moments, the bosun’s whistles could be heard throughout the ship, as the men were summoned on deck to hear their Captain speak. 

“Lads,” BlackJack began, “I owe ye an apology.  I know I promised ye a few days on dry land, even if it was an empty island, to stretch yer legs afore the comin battle.  Unfortunately, there was a bit of a problem.  Turns out we picked us up a couple of Drake’s men in Lisbon, who were attemptin to send a message ta that gods cursed son of a motherless whoremonger, givin us away.  Fortunately they were stopped by one of Mr. Golden’s gun crew, who sustained a serious injury in the fight.  He’ll live, thanks to our Surgeon, Melina.  Magnus’ man Aerak found them, killing one in the process of their capture, and the other is below in the brig bein questioned now, to be certain we know everythin that he does.  What we are lookin at is this.  We HOPE we still have enough of a lead on Drake to get to a new hidey hole, and continue with our original plan.  However, the reason I address you now, is because we are a crew, I want the crew’s input on what to do with this traitor.  He came aboard OUR ship, signed OUR Articles, then promptly turned Judas on us, claiming he’d been given a Pardon in advance by Drake and Elizabeth.  What say you, men?  Shall we hang him, and leave him for the fishes?  OR shall we keel haul him, THEN leave whatever remains in a boat with no oars til Drake picks him up, as a warning????” 

BlackJack closed his eyes for a moment, letting the crew’s shouts wash over him.  Listening, he could hear the sounds of the ship slowly being masked by their anger.  The creak of the ropes, the snapping of a loose sail, the sound of the rough seas pounding the sides of the ship as she flew through the water, all were muffled.  Mr. Thomas, growing concerned at the crew’s increasing rowdiness, and his Captain’s quiet, tapped BlackJack on the shoulder, pulling him from his reverie.

 “ENOUGH!” BlackJack shouted at the top of his lungs, silencing the crew immediately.  “Very well, then.  At dawn, the prisoner will be brought above decks and keel hauled.  Whatever is left will be tossed in a jolly boat for Drake to find.  And Aerak is guarding the prisoner until then.  He is under order to kill any man who approaches the prisoner before sentence is carried out.  Now, let’s get to it, and get to our new ambush point before we run into Drake, shall we?”  The men shouted their agreement as they went back to their various duties, whether they be working, or preparing to work.  Nodding to Mr. Thomas, BlackJack relieved him of the watch.  “I’m too tense to try and sleep anyway, lad, I’ll take this watch.  See you at dawn.”  Mr. Thomas nodded, and went to his hammock in the cabin he shared with the other officers.

to be continued...

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