Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Greetings, Nottinghill Coill!

We hope that everyone who was able to attend War of the Wings had as wonderful a time as we did, and I know that our thanks to Lord Brandon and the crew of the Sea Wolf  for the wonderful job of organizing our Baronial encampment are echoed by many.

The Canton of Cyddlain Downs has stepped forward to plan and organize next year's encampment.  We hope that everyone will feel that they can contribute to making our encampment bigger and better every year.

We look forward to seeing everyone at the Baronial Collegium in November, and Yule Toy Tourney in December.  
Yours in Service,
Baron Geldamar and Baroness Etain

Sunday, October 23, 2011

From Lady Rohesia


Just wanted to take a few moments to say I was happy to make the trip up to University that was held in MD. If you want any of the handouts of the classes I took please feel free to message me (arwynn16[aat]gmail.com).

The classes I took were Gilding 101, How to Cut a Quill, Silk Painting and How to Contsruct a Mongolian del.

Lastly, if you are interested in attending Collegium on November 12th and have not yet signed up for classes please do not wait any longer. Class spaces are going fast! Check http://www.nottinghillcoill.org/ for more details and I hope to see some of you at Collegium.

Kind regards,
Lady Rohesia

Nottinghill Coill Collegium

Have you ever wondered what goes on in a Collegium? Here is your opportunity to find out - for FREE!

When:  November 12, 2011

Where: St. Mark's Catholic Church
            928 Boundary St.
            Newberry, SC 29108

The day will be filled with classes offered by local instructors cover a wide variety of topics, from cooking, knitting, history, heraldry, martial arts, and more!  Additionally, students may receive University credit for classes attended at this Collegium.  Pre-registration is a MUST for this Collegium, as class size is limited.

Visit the website for information on how to register or contact the Autocrat.  Website:  http://www.nottinghillcoill.org  SIGN-UPS ARE NOW OPEN!    Some classes are nearly full, get your registrations in!

There is no feast, however the Ladies Guild of the church will offer an inexpensive lunch for sale as a church fundraiser.

Martial Activities:  none. (however Lord Elphin ap Daffyd is teaching a track of rapier melee tactics)
Arts & Sciences Activities:  Classes, and lots of them!

Contact the Autocrat, Lady Isolda Jourdan (isolda.of.falconcree[at]gmail.com) or Student Liasons, Lady Milicent Shively (hagatha819[at]aol.com) and Lady Rohesia of Thessalonica (arwynn16[at]gmail.com) regarding the event or classes.

Cost:  There is no fee to attend Collegium.  Some classes have a materials fee and payment of those are directly managed by the class instructor.   Donations to the Barony are not required and will not be turned down.  :-)   If you're feeling generous, make checks payable to:  S.C.A. Inc., Barony of Nottinghill Coill

NOTES:  Please feel free to forward this flier to any other groups or mailing lists.  Note that the flier in the Acorn mentions a performing arts competition - this has been cancelled due to a scheduling conflict.  Merchants should contact the autocrat - expect to be outside and have your own foul weather plan.

See you at Collegium!
Lady Isolda Jourdan