Thursday, February 27, 2014

Konnichiwa & Greetings to Our Populace

We are sorry that NCBB had to be postponed and We hope everyone is recuperating from the storm. The autocrat was able to reschedule and We hope all of you can attend Our Baronial Birthday on April 18-20.We wish to thank the Autocrat & the Staff for all that they have done for this Event.

We have extended the deadline for Champions Letters of Intent. If you are interested please email your letters to us at:
gillasd {at}
barontakeda {at}

We're happy to announce the Heavy & Rapier WarLords for WoW. Lord Olaf Stammkopf (Heavy) & Lord Marcus Octavius (Rapier).We have every confidence that these Lords will bring Honor & Victory to the Barony.

 As always We remain,

In Service to the Dream,
Takeda & Ariel
Baron & Baroness, Nottinghill Coill

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Pokerounce Master John le Burquillun (Les Shelton)

Original recipe source: Austin, Thomas. Two Fifteenth Century Cookery-books: Harleian Ms 279 (ab. 1430) and Har. Ms. 4016 (ab. 1450) With Extracts from Ashmole Ms. 1429, Laud. Ms. 553 & Douce Ms. 55, Early English Text Society, N. Trubner & Co., London, 1888.

Harleian Ms 279,–xxxvj Pokerounce Take Hony & caste it in a potte tyl it wexe chargeaunt y now take & skeme it clene Take Gyngere Canel & Galyn gale & caste Jer to take whyte Brede & kytte to trenchours 2 & toste ham take Jin paste whyle it is hot & sprede it vppe 3on Jin trenchourys wi tA a spone & plante it with Pynes & serue f orth

Translation:  Take honey and heat it in a pot until it stiffens, then skim it. Add ginger, cinnamon and galingale to the honey.  Take white bread and cut it into trenchers and toast. While the honey is hot, spread it upon the trenchers with a spoon, add pine nuts, and serve.

Redaction (for a table of 8):

1 loaf dense bread
1 cup honey
½ tsp cinnamon
¼ tsp ginger
¼ tsp galingale
2 tbs pine nuts

Slice and toast the bread. Toast the pine nuts in a medium oven or toaster until golden brown.  Warm honey on medium heat and skim if needed. Stir in the spices and then add the pine nuts. Spoon onto toast slices.

Can be served as a first course (as an alternative to the standard bread and honey butter) or as a dessert.  The original recipe doesn’t call for the pine nuts to be toasted but I think it gives it a much better flavor.  If you can’t find galingale you can double the amount of ginger. I’ve seen an alternative redaction that uses nutmeg and cardamom in the recipe instead of galingale.