Friday, April 29, 2011

The Raptor's Tale, Part Five: by Cap'n Jack Black of Flint

As the two walked, they chatted quietly, catching up. “It’s been what, six months since we saw each other last?” she asked. “Last I saw you, you were headed towards the western coast of Africa to see what you could find, if I recall correctly?”

He nodded, and answered, “Aye, that I was. Found a ship, and got meself into a spot of trouble, no surprise there, ehh?” He laughed ruefully. “Now I’ve got someone after me, that has a bit more behind him than most of the fools who think they can take me head.” Melina laid a hand on his arm, and shook her head.

“Not here, wait until we are out to sea. There are too many of the Queen’s ears in Lisbon, especially after your last appearance here. Coming here was not the smartest move you have made recently. You were here too recently, and you caused a stir with what happened when you came in last.” They then came to the gangplank, and boarded the ship. Turning to Mr. Thomas, BlackJack spoke.

“Make ready the Surgeon’s quarters, and ensure that she is well provided for.” Mr. Thomas nodded, and replied. “Aye, Captain. Ms. Percavail’s things have already been brought aboard by her servant, and he is preparing the sick bay now.”

BlackJack raised an eyebrow, and started to say something when Melina carefully elbowed him in the ribs. “Of course, thank you Mr. Thomas. We’re ready to put to sea whenever you are, set course due south, all possible speed. I’ll take Melina below, and get her settled.” Mr. Thomas nodded, and returned to his duties. Melina and BlackJack headed down to Melina’s new quarters.

As they got down to the sick bay, they spotted a man moving about, organizing with quick, efficient movements. Melina spoke quietly as they approached. “Aerak is considered Magnus’ best, and most likely heir apparent to the network if anything should befall Magnus. He has been posing as my escort and bodyguard, to allow me to travel freely. You know as well as I that women of any skill are frowned upon, especially one with my medical knowledge. Magnus had sent him looking for me, as a way to get a surgeon onto your ship, and a way to get Aerak close to you so that you could get the information that Magnus needed you to have.”

“But what made you believe that he was one of Magnus’ men, and that you could trust him?” BlackJack asked, curiously suspicious. “I’ve never known you to blindly take someone at their word.”

She laughed and slapped him on the arm. “You oaf, of course I didn’t follow him blindly. He carried this, said it was from Magnus.” She presented a small signet to BlackJack, gold with a black DK embossed in it. BlackJack kept a match to it in a locked chest in his cabin, as did all who were part of that brotherhood, what seemed like ages ago. Thinking back, he realized that as far as he knew, he and Magnus were the only two of that ragged brotherhood still around.

A hand on his arm brought him back to the present from his reverie. “Are you all right, Jack?” Melina asked, a concerned look in her eyes.

“Aye, lass, I’m fine, thanks. Just thinkin about how things have changed over the years. Recent conversations and now this,” he held up the ring, “Are beginnin ta make me feel me age. It’s not just the years, but the things I have seen and done over them. No matter, let’s see what this messenger of Magnus’ has for us, shall we?” They moved into the sick bay and closed the door behind them.

“Well, Aerak? Tell me what news ye bring? This is probably the second most secure spot in the ship, after me own quarters. Most of the crew believes this area is haunted by those who have died here, and those who’ve not been lucky enough to be saved by Melina here think it’s bad luck ta have her aboard.” She nodded a thank you as she began organizing some of her more personal items in the cabinets on the walls.

“Well, Captain, if you want the information now, I can give it to you, but I would think that you would want to have all of your officers hear what I have to say, so that plans might be devised. That and I would only have to give my report once, instead of twice.” Aerak grinned insolently at BlackJack as he spoke.

“Lad, ye be lucky that Magnus likes ye, or I’d have ye tossed overboard fer talking to me like that, I don’t care that ye be right,” BlackJack laughed as he replied. “Very well, then, let’s be up to me cabin, so that we can decide what we need do. Melina,” he asked as he turned to her. “Are you a’right here for now, or do you wish to join us in council?”

“No Captain, I have nothing of value to add to this council of war you are about to have, so I shall stay here, and begin my preparations to receive wounded during the battle, when it is joined.” Melina made a sour face at the thought of the impending loss of life, and BlackJack shrugged.

“I’m sorry lass, I know how ye feel. I don’t like losin' men anymore than you do. These lads are like me family, but I’ll be damned if I’m goin ta let Drake take them to London to have their necks stretched. Aerak, shall we?” BlackJack pointed towards the door, and both men went above. As they left the surgeon’s quarters, BlackJack stopped one of the cabin boys and told him to get Mr. Thomas and the rest of the officers to his cabin immediately. The boy nodded and ran off.

To Be Continued....

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