Wednesday, July 27, 2011

From the Baron and Baroness


Pennsic War is upon us and we hope that all of you traveling to war have a safe trip.  We will be processing in the opening ceremonies and would love to have you join us in representing the Barony and the Kingdom.  We hope to see you there.  We know those staying behind will protect the borders of the Barony while we are away serving the Kingdom.

We are still looking for a bid for next Baronial Birthday.  Anyone interested pleased contact Baron Takeda or us. If anyone has questions on the process of event stewarding please feel free to ask us.

We hope to see everyone at W.O.P.P. and Collegium.  They look to be fun and exciting and we are looking forward to them.

Thank you for all of your support to us and the Barony and we look forward to seeing everyone.

Geldamar and Etain
Baron and Baroness

Konnichiwa & Greetings to the Populace of Nottinghill Coill

There are two items of Baronial business:
1. We are now soliciting bids for Baronial Birthday 2012. The dates for Birthday are February 24-26. If you wish to host Birthday please forward your bid to me.

2. We are seeking to fill the office of Baronial Chatelaine. If you wish to serve your Barony in this capacity please contact me. My email is:

As always I remain........

In Service to the Dream,
Baron Takeda Yoshinaka
Seneschal, Nottinghill Coill

Kid's Coloring Winners!


I would like to announce the winners of the Kids Coloring contest. Congrats to Katherine Kyst and Victoria. I had only two entrants and therefore I will give each young Lady a prize! Each will recieve a small purse made with the finest Chinese textiles and filled with rare Eastern delights that I've acquired through my travels around the Knowne World.

And presented for the Populace are their colored entries. Vivat to the talented youth of Nottinghill Coill!

Until next missive,

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Raptor’s Tale, Part 8: by Cap'n Jack Black of Flint

BlackJack burst from the tent, and grabbed one of the guards at the entrance.  Speaking in a low growl, he addressed his captive.  “Ye’ve ten seconds to tell me who brought this injured man to Melina, afore I slit yer throat.  The men responsible should have stayed to help her, and I want to know who they are, and where they are. NOW!”  The man in BlackJack’s grip, seeing the fire in his eyes, spoke quickly.
“I think they were two new crewmen we picked up in Lisbon, Captain, I swear I’ve never seen them afore!  They said they were goin ta find you, so I didn’t think anything of it!”
BlackJack released him, and turned to find Aerak standing there.  The men locked eyes, and Aerak spoke.  “I will find them, and bring them to you.  Something doesn’t smell right here.  Melina says the wound is consistent with the story she was given, but with this new information, there could be a problem.” 
BlackJack sighed, and nodded in agreement.  “Aye lad.  Ye’ve got two hours, then I am pullin everyone off this cursed beach and back to the ship, so that we can get to the bottom of this.  I’m off to make arrangements.  You find them, I will be in my cabin, waiting.”  BlackJack walked back to where the jollyboat was, and Aerak began questioning the guards in front of the tents.
BlackJack arrived on the ship, and found Mr. Thomas.  Pulling him aside, out of earshot, he spoke quickly and quietly.  “We appear to have picked up some trouble in Lisbon.  Two men seem to have attacked one of Mr. Golden’s gunners.  Melina saved his life, but it was a close thing.  I need to know who these men are, and what is going on.  Aerak is on shore, trying to locate them.  If he’s not back in two hours from now, I want the muster sounded, and every man back on this ship.  IF any are missing, we put out to sea immediately.  I don’t know who they are working for, or if it was just a coincidence.  You know as well as I that I don’t believe in coincidences, so I am going to assume that if we got men on board Drake’s ship, there is a good chance that he got some on ours.  Didn’t think Drake played that way, but we will soon know.  If Aerak was trained by Magnus, and sent by Magnus, then as far as I am concerned, he IS Magnus.  I’ll be in my cabin waiting for Aerak, begin departure preparations.”  Mr. Thomas nodded, turned away, and began bellowing orders to the crew lazing about on deck.
The crewmen on board immediately snapped to work, knowing their captain was not of a capricious nature.  If things were suddenly changing, then there was some issue at hand.  As they worked, they started whispering among themselves, until Mr. Miller, Bosun on watch, shouted at them.  “Shut yer gobs, yer not a bunch of gossipmongering fishwives!  Get to work!”  The men quickly, quietly, and efficiently, did just that.

BlackJack stormed into his cabin, drawing and throwing a dagger into a target as he entered.  Standing there in the door, he immediately threw two more after the first.  Anger temporarily sated, he saw that his grouping was a little low, and made a mental note to get some more practice in.  He walked over and retrieved his blades, sheathed them in their proper places, and sat at his desk.  He then poured himself a drink, and sat back, waiting.
He didn’t have to wait long before the door to his cabin opened without a knock.  He stood, hand on a hilt when he saw Aerak half carrying, half dragging a semi-conscious body.  Aerak dumped the man in a chair, and spoke. “He’s alive, but his partner chose to not cooperate with me.  He’s feeding the sharks on the other side of the island now.  We need to leave, and I have already passed that word.  Everyone’s breaking down now, and your officers are plotting a course.  We should be underway within the hour, Mr. Thomas asked me to relay to you.  These men worked for Drake, and I suggested to the others that we leave now, as a precaution. I didn’t know what their watch schedules were, and so I don’t know if our plans have been leaked or not.”   

BlackJack nodded in agreement with Aerak’s line of thought.  Before he could speak, the man in the chair started to groan.  Both turned to their prisoner as he slowly became aware of his surroundings.  Fear came across his face as he saw the vicious grins looking down on him.  “I’ll tell ye whatever ye want to know, just don’t kill me like you did Johnathan!”
BlackJack grabbed the man by the throat, and spoke, quietly.  “You don’t seem to understand the gravity of this situation.  You have turned Judas to this ship, and will be treated accordingly.  First, you will tell us what you have passed to Drake, how you were getting information to him, and why you felt you had to attempt to kill one of my gunners.”
The prisoner nodded, and began to speak.  “We’d been unable to get word out yet as to where we are.  We’ve been under constant watch by one officer or another since we came on board in Lisbon.  Drake knew you were going to Lisbon, and we were watching for you.  Not having seen the ship, I knew you on sight.  Many have heard descriptions of the “great BlackJack Flint”.  So when I saw you head to the inn from the docks, I got Johnathan, and we presented ourselves as in need of work.  Your quartermaster had us swear to the ship’s articles, which we did.  We didn’t think anything of lying to everyone because Drake said the Queen would free us of all crimes committed in capturing you.  We were trying to set up some kind of signal fire when your man came on us.  Johnathan stabbed him in the fight, and we knew if we left him, there would be questions.  So we made up the story and took him to the surgeon.  Didn’t think a woman surgeon would be any use to him.  That’s all I know, I swear it.  Just please, don’t give me to him!” The last was a pitiful cry as he looked at Aerak as if at the devil himself.  Aerak just stood there, grinning.  The way the man stood in the shadow, even BlackJack shuddered slightly.  Standing there next to Aerak, with the way the shadows in the cabin lay, it was like he was standing next to a disembodied head, quietly watching the scene.
Shaking his head to clear the image, he still found it difficult to see Aerak’s form in the shadow, almost as if he were made from them.  Clearing his throat, he spoke.  “No, ye’re ta be turned over to Aerak for further questioning.  At least, I won’t let him kill you.” BlackJack grinned evilly.  “First the crew will know that you have played Judas, and they will decide what to do with you.  I suggest you make your peace with your maker, because you will be dead when we are done with you.  That is a solemn vow.  I stated when we left Lisbon that I tolerate no one causing issue with me, my crew, or my ship.  You have now jeopardized all three, because I am not 100% certain I believe you.  While we are getting out of here, Aerak has leave to question you down in the brig, to be certain we know everything you have to say.  I will inform the crew what is going on, and the details of your final moments will be decided.  Then, those will be carried out, and your corpse will be left for Drake as a warning that he’s next.”  BlackJack nodded, and Aerak grabbed the prisoner, dragging him out, while the man screamed all the way.  Finishing his drink, he grabbed his weapon belt, put it on, and headed up to the deck to talk to the crew.