Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The Old Dun Cow at War of the Wings!

We had a great time last year at the Old  Dun Cow Pub at WoW. So much so, we’re gonna do it again!

The Old Dun Cow pub will make its appearance again this year in the Painted Wheel/Nottinghill Coill camp on Friday night of War. Look for the ship and the vardos.

Everyone of any age is welcome, but be aware that the bar is stamping the hands of people who wish to share our beer . There will be no exceptions. No ink no drink. Underage drinking will not be tolerated. And because pirates will be running said bar, there will be no arguments, either. Yes, the ship has cannon ports. We speak from experience.

Awake at the Wheel will be running an open jam, and anyone is welcome to perform. Perform/play in the Cow, and you get to write your name on the wall. All entertainment welcome regardless of skill. All that we ask is that you keep stories and limited to five minutes each (you may leave off and pick up if you have a long story to tell), that you consider your audience when choosing a piece (if there are, say, small children around, you might want to save that raunchy piece for a little later), and that you keep in mind that while we don't mind drums, this is not a drum circle (you can do a drum piece for dancers, however, just please observe the five minute rule). 

Please refrain from smoking inside the immediate Painted Wheel camp area. 

Songbooks will be available for sing-alongs. Five bucks donation to offset printing and binding costs is appreciated, but not mandatory.

If we have leftover supplies at the end of the night, or if people tip the bar or donate more supplies, we'll do this again on Saturday night. So if it turns out you have fun (and you will), and you want to do it again on Saturday, help us out and we'll do it again.

Hope to see you all there!

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