Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Decision Regarding The Chirurgeonate

The decision has been made to close the Office of the Chirurgeonate as of August 10th, 2015. The board and corporate officers want to extend their gratitude for ALL who have served our organization in this capacity in the past. To those who have provided feedback, questions, and worked to explore options for scopes of the office that would allow our organization to retain the office and maintain insurance coverage for the officers and our organization, many thanks as well.

To clarify some of the concerns that have been raised during the many discussions of this change, the board and corporate officers want to provide the following information:

-The Society Seneschal has been directed to remove references to the Chirurgeonate from the Record Retention Policy. Existing records should be retained for 2 years for adults, 21 years for minors, then shredded to ensure any Personally Identifying Information is destroyed. Local groups should sort records into Adult, Minor and Destroy categories and ship (paid for by the local group) records to the corporate office. The corporate office will retain records and handle the shredding.

-Each Kingdom has thirty business days to transport these records to the corporate office.
Event Coordinators/Stewards/Autocrats are still responsible for arranging for EMS on site if that is required by municipal/county/state requirements. This most often will apply to large events projecting an attendance greater than the threshold set by the applicable modern agency. It is recommended to include information regarding distance from site to medical care in event
announcements, particularly for camping events.

-The marshallate will still be responsible for reporting injuries on the field. Seneschals will still be responsible for reporting injuries (particularly requiring transport) as currently directed.

-Tangible assets owned by SCA branches that are specific to the Office of the Chirurgeon may be retained or donated or sold, in accordance with applicable financial policies.

-Over the counter medications may not be purchased by SCA branches to distribute or make available to event attendees.

-The badge of the fleam will remain available for those individual volunteers (not affiliated with the SCA, Inc. and its Kingdoms and local groups) willing to provide basic first aid.

-Should additional questions or concerns regarding this change arise, please direct them to the SCA President, at

Our thanks again, to all the volunteers that have helped keep our organization going for 50 years!
Leslie Vaughn
President, SCA, Inc

A.J. Pongratz
Vice President of Operations, SCA, Inc.

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