Friday, January 21, 2011

Letter from Baron Lucien de La Rochelle

Unto Their Excellencies, Geldamar and Etain, Baron and Baroness of Nottinghill Coill, and unto Their Populace, does the Baronial Herald, Baron Lucien de La Rochelle, Gordian Knot Pursuivant, send greetings.

I have had the honor of standing as the Baronial Herald for the last four years, and now my time has come to step down. There are no words that can express the joy of being the "Voice" of Their Excellencies. To be the one who stands behind the the Thrones and speaks the words of praise from the Baronage is something that must be experienced to appreciate. You get to the see the faces of your friends light up with joy when they hear their hard work is being recognized. To be part of The Baronial Court is quite simply the greatest job I have ever had the pleasure to do in the SCA.

I would like to thank the former Baron and Baroness, William and Julian, who took a chance with someone they barely knew; Their Excellencies, Talun and Elizabeth, for allowing me to remain as Their Herald, and the current Baronage, Geldamar and Etain, Baron and Baroness of Nottinghill Coill for giving me the honor of staying on for this final year. I thank you all for your patience, your friendship and your support. I thank Mistress Rhiannon, former Triton Herald, who supported me and answered any questions I had. I would like to thank the Populace of Nottinghill Coill for their putting up with my gaffs, and forgiving me when I messed up a name.

Finally, I would like to introduce the gentle who, with Their Excellencies approval, will be taking on the honors and duties of Baronial Herald, Lord Cian mac Ceallacháin Uí Dubhlaich. I have full faith that he will prove to be far and above an extraordinary Baronial Herald. Also, upon his stepping up, Master Bran, Triton Herald-at-Arms, has decreed that the title of Gordian Knot Pursuivant shall become a part of the office of Baronial Herald. So join me in welcoming Lord Cian, Gordian Knot Pursuivant, into his new role as Baronial Herald at Nottinghill Coill Baronial Birthday.


Baron Lucien de La Rochelle
Gordian Knot Pursuivant (at least until Baronial Birthday)

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